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As you already know, a single deck of tarot cards contains The ‘Major Arcana’ and the Minor Arcana all in all 78 cards with symbolic pictures. The ‘Major Arcana’ contains 22 cards while the ‘Minor Arcana’ has 56 cards. The symbols in the cards are associated with situations, emotions, and events of life. You ask to to pull a card according to the query and then read it.For your convenience we’ve divided the cards into groups:

The meanings of the Major Arcana

The meanings of Minor Arcana – Wands

The meanings of the Minor Arcana – Cups

The meanings of the Minor Arcana – Swords

The meanings of the Minor Arcana – Pentacles


After learning the meaning of the cards we suggest that you’ll learn the Order of the Trumps

OR… practice now what you have learnd and also get Clairvoyants free Tarot Reading – Tap here

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