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The meanings of the Minor Arcana – Cups:

Card Upright Reverse
Ace of Cups good health, love, joy, beauty egotism, selfishness, hesitancy
Two of Cups romance, friendship, cooperation violent passion, misunderstanding
Three of Cups fortune, hospitality, discovery hidden, overindulgence, pain, gossip
Four of Cups dissatisfaction, kindness, reevaluation, redemption new goals, ambitions, beginning
Five of Cups broken marriage,vain regret, sorrow, loss return, summon, hope
Six of Cups acquaintance, good memories, acquaintance, happiness friendship, disappointment, past
Seven of Cups imagination, illusion, directionless will-power, determination
Eight of Cups disappointment, abandonment, misery pleasure, success, joy
Nine of Cups physical well-being, hopes, security illness, failure, overindulgence
Ten of Cups friendship, happiness, life waste, broken relationships, quarrel
Page of Cups sweetness, interest in literature, gentleness poor imagination, selfishness, no desires
Knight of Cups emotional, romantic dreamer, intelligence idleness, untruthful, fraud, sensuality
Queen of Cups loving mother, gentle, happiness perverse, unhappy, gloom, over-active imagination
King of Cups kindness, willingness, enjoyment double-dealer, scandal, crafty, violent

The meanings of the Minor Arcana – Swords

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